Login to the virtual host.

The link in the background of the virtual host is in the seat table –> list. An error of 10 times within 1 hour will lock the ip, which must be unlocked by the teacher. If the password of the virtual host is forgotten, it must be reset by the teacher. Conclusion: Take the account and password given by the teacher.


Important settings: Change the PHP version to 7.2

Pull down to Select PHP Version in the software block Select 7.2 version, click to set the current version, then click Save.

下拉至軟體區塊中的 Select PHP Version 選擇 7.2 版本

If WordPress is updated after PHP is installed, then after updating PHP, check the repository + repair database.

下拉至軟體區塊中的 Select PHP Version 選擇 7.2 版本

Basic settings : Change your password (Forgot to come to me), E-mail, language

Click the upper right arrow menu, the language setting is Chinese (Taiwan), contact information to add your own Mail

點選右上方箭頭選單,語言設定為中文(台灣),聯絡資訊加入自己的 Mail 
點選右上方箭頭選單,語言設定為中文(台灣),聯絡資訊加入自己的 Mail 

Virtual host resource
